The launching of ‘Siop Un Stop-One Stop Shop’ has begun!
Lowri, who is one of the project managers and Zoe our ‘Siop Un Stop-One Stop Shop’ Mentor have been in North Wales this week to visit TAPE in Colwyn Bay and to meet with Steve Swindon – just some of the wonderful people who have started using the site and its resources. They also travelled to Ysgol y Gogarth with Steve to discuss the student films that are currently being worked on.
Zoe and Lowri then visited the Careers Fair at Bangor University and joined one of our partners, Academi Sgrin Cymru/Wales Screen Academy, which is run by Carol Jones, to share the features with students.
Here is a sum up from Zoe of her first month in the post, written prior to the visit to Bangor:
“Well, it’s been four weeks since my first day with Siop Un Stop – One Stop Shop, can you believe it?
Rather than having one hard launch, we’ll be soft launching at a number of events in the coming weeks, building momentum and culminating in the Culture Connect Careers Fair at Central Square. We wanted to make sure the portal was stacked with lots of exciting opportunities, news and partner features before going live. Do take a look… we think it’s coming along nicely!
As well as building the resources on the page, I’ve been out and about, drip-feeding Siop Un Stop – One Stop Shop to existing and potential stake-holders to see how we might work together over the coming months. These include Gritty Talent, Ffilm Cymru, Go Connect, Rondo & Boom, Into Film and RTS Cymru. Yes it’s been a busy four weeks!
I also spent two full days at the Pobol Academy assessment centres and ran sessions at the end of every group task to promote the portal and get some feedback from the young hopefuls. (Thankfully the feedback was enthusiastically positive!)
Amongst the outreach work, I’ve been having 1:1 mentoring sessions with those wishing to get some advice and guidance on how to navigate the industry, conduct themselves in interviews and lots of CV help.
Lowri and I are off to Bangor for a packed two days next week. Armed with our fresh-off-the-print branded pop-ups and hoodies, we’ll be at the Prifysgol Bangor Careers Fair where we’ll launch Siop Un Stop – One Stop Shop in the Gogledd and we’ll be visiting Ysgol y Gogarth and our colleagues at TAPE.
We’ll be writing to the Indies next week to tell them about the launch of SUS-OSS and how it can benefit them as well as the freelance community and new entrants to the industry which will be followed by a social media boom in the days following.
The diary is already looking full for November and December, with the CC Careers Fair, BFI Clusters Away Day, Educate the Educators, sessions for Coleg Gwent and a Creative Careers Cafe in Swansea. A healthy geographical spread too!
It’s been a very positive four weeks so we thought you’d appreciate a little update on how things are going, where we’re currently at, and what we have planned for the weeks ahead!”
We will be officially launching the social media platforms to coincide with the website shortly so please follow on Facebook, Instagram and X, ready for our first updates!
Also make a note of the site itself www.siopunstop-onestopshop.cymru – and head over to take a look around!
We are excited to get this essential resource up and running so that both training companies and potential trainees can benefit from it.
Siop Un Stop-One Stop Shop is the BFI Cluster for Wales funded by the National Lottery and is run as a partnership between Sgil Cymru, Screen Alliance Wales and Creative Wales. We share a huge variety of opportunities from companies all over Wales.