This summer, the media apprentices of 2018-19 were back at Sgil Cymru’s training centre in Pinewood Studio Wales for one last time as they completed their work on the level 3 diploma in Creative and Digital Media.
Whilst the nineteen apprentices are now back working with their respective employers – Real SFX, BBC Cymru Wales and ITV Cymru Wales, to name but a few – the year-long programme has come to an end. Having learned so much in such a short space of time, some of the apprentices shared their personal highlights of the programme:
Boom Cymru apprentice, Gwenno Ellis-Owen, was asked, during an interview with Cardiff TV, ‘as a Welsh speaker, what does Sgil Cymru have to offer?’:
“They allow me to learn in both languages. All staff are bilingual which is really helpful as I’m more comfortable speaking in Welsh”
Once the apprentices had completed their diploma work, we asked them how they’ve enjoyed their experience, here’s a few of the replies we’ve received:
Harold Spencer, an apprentice Grip assistant with BBC Cymru Wales, said:
“An all-round fantastic experience. So many wonderful people and projects to work on. Everyone has been brilliant, and I’ve learnt so much!”
BBC Radio Wales apprentice, Jesse Edwards:
“I would definitely recommend it. They’ve (Sgil Cymru) offered me an opportunity I never thought would come around”
ITV Cymru Wales apprentice, Zahra Errami, said:
“You’re learning from the best and in the best setting in a working studio as well”
Eugenia Taylor, also an apprentice at ITV Cymru Wales, said:
“I think the support system between Sgil Cymru and my employer is very strong and I have always felt like I could speak to either of them. I also feel that both Sgil Cymru and my employer really care about my experience during the apprenticeship and want me to go far.”
Ben Cooper, a post production apprentice with The Look said:
“The level of support is fantastic. Despite having many types of learner the team here (Sgil Cymru) is able to accommodate everyone.”
And once again, Boom Cymru apprentice, Gwenno Hughes:
“Just go for it, it’s been the best thing I’ve done so far”
Their apprenticeship with Sgil Cymru might have come to an end, however, our doors are always open, and our support will continue to be available to anyone who needs it. We wish all of the apprentices the best of luck in the industry and we look forward to seeing what they get up to next!
Click here to see our end of year video with the apprentices!