Twenty future key players in Wales’ creative industries sector are celebrating the success of their media apprenticeships as they come to a close after a packed twelve-month training and practical work-based programme with companies including BBC Cymru Wales, ITV Cymru Wales and Orchard Entertainment. All participants will either be taking up employment opportunities now being offered to them, or will move onto further education, as a result of the scheme which is delivered by Sgil Cymru.
The apprentices, aged 16 – 24, who have been working across south Wales, have also learned about essential aspects of creative and digital media, through training by Sgil Cymru at their base at Pinewood Studio Wales, covering career essentials from video production to CV writing.
Tom Parry, 19, from Caerphilly, is coming to the end of twelve months working as a camera apprentice on award-winning medical drama Casualty, and has now been offered a twelve month contract with the BBC Cymru Wales. Tom said
“I never would have been able to get into this position without the apprenticeship. It really has changed my life.”
Employment offers have also followed for apprentices from other host companies including Cardiff Theatrical Services and film and TV production company Sports Media Services.
Nia Yorke, 19, from Ely in Cardiff, has been working for ITV Cymru Wales in programme production. She is about to start her career as a freelance production specialist, and ITV Cymru Wales have already hired her to work on the forthcoming EU referendum coverage. Nia said
“Before I did this I was working night shifts in a fast food outlet, and now I’m working all night covering elections! I would never have expected to be doing this dream job a year ago.”
While this apprenticeship programme is now coming to an end, Sgil Cymru have thirty new Level 3 and Level 4 apprenticeship roles starting this Summer, ranging from media production with BBC Cymru Wales and ITV Cymru Wales to a brand new selection of marketing-related jobs on offer from twelve different companies including Golley Slater, Equinox and Buzz Magazine. Sue Jeffries, Managing Director of Sgil Cymru commented
“The first year programme has been hugely successful, and the team here, along with high-profile employers in south Wales are looking forward to welcoming all of our new apprentices next month.
“With some really special and varied Level 3 opportunities at BBC Cymru Wales and ITV Cymru Wales coming up for those aged 16 – 24 to apply for, our Level 4 vacancies are across some very exciting marketing, design, IT and event-related companies, which are open to those aged 18+.”
Click here to see the current vacancies.
This Apprenticeship programme is part financed by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government. This Apprenticeship has been made possible through Cardiff and Vale College Apprenticeships; the Lead Training Provider for the Quality Skills Alliance (QSA) Consortium. Cardiff and Vale College Apprenticeships have been awarded a contract by the Welsh Government to deliver work based learning programmes across Wales.
The Quality Skills Alliance (QSA) is a collaboration of 22 WBL providers who operate in specialised sectors and bring their skills and expertise to Apprenticeship delivery. Cardiff and Vale College Apprenticeships and the QSA cover a very wide geographical area with provision extending pan-Wales. Cardiff and Vale College Apprenticeships and the QSA offer a broad range of programmes and work across 25 different vocational routes.
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