Megan Sanders

Megan Sanders is currently a Production Secretary on ‘WOLF’.


Where was your first placement with Sgil Cymru?  

My first placement with Sgil Cymru was with Gorilla Post Production. I was their office/floor runner. It was different to how I’d imagined starting my film/tv career, starting at the end of a show rather than the start, but it gave me an amazing insight into how Post Production works, how much time and detail is dedicated to every frame, was a really interesting experience. My main responsibility was making sure the day to day running of the office was smooth: running drives between floors, cleaning editing suites, ensuring the kitchen fully stocked and stationary is ordered, ordering lunches and making tea and coffee.


When was the moment that things began to fall into place? That you knew you were in the right place? 

Probably during my time at Gorilla, I ran into a lot of people my dad used to work with at the BBC, as an editor. It was really cool to be in a similar place to where he was 30 years ago. That really was the foundation for my confidence, which just increased as I continued throughout the year.


What’s the biggest obstacle you think you’ve overcome either during or following on from your apprenticeship?

Probably dealing with real life events alongside working. Life outside of filming doesn’t stop, and sometimes it can feel like taking a sick day, or a mental day is the end of the world, but it most definitely is not. The hours can be really gruelling so having the confidence to say ‘hey I’m struggling a bit’ was a challenging. However Sue and Nadine were so helpful and understanding.


What’s the best piece of advice you were given as an apprentice? 

Learn how to make a good cup of tea. Everyone has tea slightly differently, if you take the time to ask someone how they like their tea, chances are that’ll start a conversation, which is really handy when finding out what department you want to try.


What advice would you give to someone starting out as an apprentice? 

It is hard work, but it’s definitely worth it. My year as an apprentice was really hectic, lots of ups and downs, but now I’m working in the industry I love, and coming to work is a joy not a chore. You get out what you put in to this apprenticeship. If you jump head first and give 100% you’ll have nothing to worry about come the end of your apprenticeship.