Introduction to Assistant Editor in HETV

Have you ever wondered about how to become an Assistant Editor in HETV drama?

Wales has a booming TV and film industry and a shortage of skilled people to fill many crucial roles, maybe now is a perfect time to explore how you can transfer the knowledge you already have and move into the exciting world of HETV post production.

Sgil Cymru will be running an Introduction to the role of Assistant Editor in HETV, each morning between the 28th of March until the 31st March 2022 .

Send a message and CV to to apply.


    The roles and responsibilities of the Assistant Editor.
    The key technical and personal skills you will need to have and develop for the job.
    The different stages of production and post production
    How to prepare the cutting rooms for you and your editor.
    Common practices and protocols you’ll come across
    How to read, understand and use the paperwork created for the edit.
    Who, how and when to contact others in production and post production.
    The different ways of working and how to work out the best way for you.
    What makes a good Assistant editor, and what makes a GREAT Assistant Editor.