Cwrs Golygydd Cynorthwyol

Wyt ti erioed wedi meddwl am fod yn Olygydd Cynorthwyol yn gweithio ar raglenni drama o’r radd flaenaf?

Mae gan Gymru ddiwydiant teledu a ffilm sydd yn ffynnu, ac mae na brinder mawr o bobl gyda’r sgiliau perthnasol ar gyfer llawer o’r swyddi pwysicaf. Ella mai rwan ydy’r amser iti ymchwilio i weld os oes gen ti’r sgiliau angenrheidiol ar gyfer symud i mewn i’r byd bywiog o ol-gynhyrchu.

Mae Sgil Cymru yn rhedeg cwrs ‘Cyflwyniad i’r Rol o Olygydd Cynorthwyol yn gweithio ar Raglenni Teledu o’r Radd Flaenaf’, bob bore rhwng 1030 ac 1300 o’r 28ain Mawrth tan 31 Mawrth 2022.

Anfona neges a CV at i ymgeisio.


    The roles and responsibilities of the Assistant Editor.
    The key technical and personal skills you will need to have and develop for the job.
    The different stages of production and post production
    How to prepare the cutting rooms for you and your editor.
    Common practices and protocols you’ll come across
    How to read, understand and use the paperwork created for the edit.
    Who, how and when to contact others in production and post production.
    The different ways of working and how to work out the best way for you.
    What makes a good Assistant editor, and what makes a GREAT Assistant Editor.